With a wise approach and green technology into heavy industry.

We are experts in the field of heat treatment and automation of production processes.

Why Hiproject?

We are a creative and ambitious team that develops a responsible approach towards our customers and the environment through our own innovative technologies.

Our customers use our equipment to produce products in the following industries:

Aviation industry

Space industry

Automotive industry

Robotics and automation

Oprema in rešitve


Z izkušeno in uspešno ekipo zaposlenih dostavljamo naše napredne rešitve in tehnologije po celem svetu s ponosom. Z našim znanjem razvijamo odlične projekte ter svojim strankam ponujamo svetovanje – vse od idejne zasnove do končne izdelave.


Environmentally friendly

Lower consumption of energy resources

You achieve lower consumption of energy resources with our technology and thereby you save costs.


30 years of experience

Adaptation to customer demands

Our technology allows us to adapt to each customer's demands, which leads to optimal experience and savings.

Development partnership

A continuous systematic process of improving quality

We achieve continuous systematic quality improvements with our technology, bringing our customers savings and efficiency.


We are building sustainability together – we attended a workshop of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia


We gained advanced knowledge and new experience at FoMI 2024


New paths, new worlds, new challenges